The Village Federation

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Federation Policies

Our policies are organised in groups according to the governing body committee that is responsible for setting and reviewing them. 

The committees are organised in the same way as the current Ofsted framework and the policies are listed in the same order as an Ofsted report is presented (please note that Leadership and Management is split into Finance, Personnel and Equipment & Premises committees).

For our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy, please scroll to the Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes section.

For our Complaints Policy, please scroll to the Personnel section within Leadership and Management.

Quality of Education Policies and related documents:

Last Reviewed:

To Review By:

Acceptable Use of ICT and the Internet Policy

5th March 2024

March 2026

Special Educational Needs Offer (Link)

17th October 2023

October 2024

Handwriting and Presentation Policy

5th March 2024

March 2026

Federation Dress Code

5th March 2024

March 2026

Marking Policy - UNDER REVIEW

Under Review

Under Review

Homework Policy

5th March 2024

March 2026

Assessment Policy

8th July 2024

July 2026

Policy and Protocol for Remote Communication and Online Learning

5th March 2024

March 2026

Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework




Leadership and Management

Personnel Policies:

Last Reviewed:

To Review By:

Staff Absence Policy

18th October 2023

October 2025

Confidential Reporting Code

18th October 2023

October 2024

Governor Absence Policy

18th October 2023

October 2025

Complaints Policy

18th October 2023

October 2024

Disciplinary Procedure

18th October 2023

October 2025

Staff/Governor Grievance Procedure

18th October 2023

October 2025

Redundancy Policy and Redundancy Procedure

18th October 2023

October 2025

Staff Use of Internet and Email Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

Teacher Appraisal Policy

18th October 2023

October 2025

Recruitment and Selection Policy

18th October 2023

October 2025

Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Parental Leave Scheme

26th September 2023

September 2025

Continuing Professional Development Policy

18th October 2023

October 2025

Managing Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy

18th October 2023

October 2025

Support Staff Review and Development Policy

18th October 2023

October 2025

Management of Sickness Absence Procedures and Guidance

18th October 2023

October 2025

Management of Stress Policy and Guidance

18th October 2023

October 2025

Visitor Policy

17th April 2024 April 2026

Authorised Leave of Absence and Flexible Working Policy

8th July 2024 July 2026


Finance Policies and related documents

Last Reviewed:

Review Date

Teacher's Pay Policy

26th September 2023

September 2024

Charges and Remissions Policy

17th November 2023

November 2025

Financial Regulations, Procedures and Roles & Responsibilities

17th November 2023

November 2024

Governors' Expenses Policy

17th November 2023

November 2025

School Dinner Money Debt Policy

17th November 2023

November 2025

Debit Card Policy

17th November 2023

November 2025

Data Protection Policy

16th October 2023

October 2024

Record Retention and Deletion Policy

12th March 2024 March 2025

Schools Financial Benchmarking Service Webpage


Equipment & Premises Policies and related documents

Last Reviewed:

Review Date

Copies are held in each school and by relevant senior leaders, but due to the nature of the information, the Critical Incident and Computer Disaster plans are not publicly available

Critical incident Management Plans

12th March 2024

March 2025

Computer Disaster Recovery Plan

12th March 2024

March 2025

Accessibility Plan - UNDER REVIEW

Under Review

Under Review

Health and Safety Policy

12th March 2024

March 2025

Lone Working Policy

12th March 2024

March 2026

Off Site Visits Policy

12th March 2024

March 2026

Evacuation Procedures (Brassington)

12th March 2024

March 2025

Evacuation Procedures (Carsington & Hopton)

12th March 2024

March 2025

Evacuation Procedures (FitzHerbert)

12th March 2024

March 2025

Evacuation Procedures (Kirk Ireton)

12th March 2024

March 2025


Personal Development, Behaviour & Attitudes Policies and related documents:

Last Reviewed:

Review Date

Child Protection Flowchart

Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2023

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

26th September 2023

September 2024

Positive Behaviour Support Policy

27th November 2023

November 2025

Photo and Video Policy

12th March 2024

March 2026

Drugs Education Policy

25th October 2023

October 2025

School Food Policy

25th October 2023

October 2025

Attendance Policy

25th October 2023

October 2025

No Smoking or Vaping Policy

12th March 2024

March 2026

Online Safety Policy

12th March 2024

March 2026

Continence in School Guidance

25th October 2023

October 2025

Relationship and Sex Education Policy

25th October 2023

October 2025

Medication Policy

 12th March 2024

 March 2026


Distinctiveness as a Church School Policies and related documents:

Last Reviewed:

Review Date

Admissions Policy 2024/25

1st February 2023

January 2025

Admissions Policy 2025/26

26th March 2024

January 2025

Equalities Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

Anti-bullying Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

Environmental Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

Religious Education Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

Inclusion Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

Collective Worship Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

PSHE and Citizenship Policy

26th March 2024

March 2026

Requests for paper copies of the website and all policies can be made to

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