The Village Federation

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The Village Federation Vision Statement

"Opening our eyes to find meaningful happiness – learning, achieving and growing together as a family"

Our Vision:

The Village Federation believes in providing a secure and caring atmosphere for families, staff, governors, our neighbours and most of all, the children in our care. For our Church schools in particular, we want to ensure that we are working for the common good and that everything we do is underpinned by deeply Christian values that create a foundation for everyone to thrive, surrounded by love and an atmosphere where we can open our eyes to find meaningful happiness – learning, achieving and growing together as a family.


Fulfilling the Vision

As a federation we want everyone to:  

  • feel a genuine sense of belonging within a nurturing community, surrounded by warmth and love so that they feel cared for, safe and part of a loving family that develops respect for others, open-mindedness and empathy
  • develop the skills that they need to succeed in the world so that they can find independence, solve-problems, and be resourceful;
  • recognise that not everything comes easily and that everyone has strengths and areas that they find more challenging, so that they can set aspirational goals, unhindered by any sense of barrier;

Our Vision in Practice

We will achieve our vision by providing:

  • A curriculum which is centred around our vision so that there is clear intent to all that we do;
  • A hub within our locality and a place for everyone to return to so that we are at the heart of our communities and build our family over time;
  • Flexibility in our approaches so that everyone can find success;
  • Meaningful interactions, listening and reflecting with all our stakeholders so that we can continually strive to improve;
  • A place where everything can be celebrated so that success is seen well beyond the realms of academia or sporting endeavour, but also in our kindness, compassion and interactions with others;
  • Support for learning alongside support for being human so that we are able to act with mindfulness, compassion and improve the lives of others – physically, mentally and academically;
  • An understanding that we all make mistakes so that even when we don’t meet all the aims of our vision, we will work together to improve and find better ways to achieve.
  • have a sense of self-worth and pride in who they are so that they are able to face challenges with resilience, determination and the belief that we can always learn new things and improve in all areas of life;
  • feel a deep and resounding desire for learning so that they will always want to know more in all areas of their lives, feeling the joy of new experience and knowledge and leading to a more profound and connected understanding of the world and other people;
  • be able to express themselves openly whilst remaining considerate of others so that they can communicate effectively, be polite and be honest without fear, but also with kindness and patience
  • understand how to be well, both physically and mentally in a fast-paced and ever-changing world so that they are able to provide self-care, ask for help when they need to and find meaningful happiness in their lives.
  • find bravery so that they can make mistakes, debate and know that it is okay to have different views;
  • have a sense of self-worth and pride in who they are so that they are able to face challenges with resilience, determination and the belief that we can always learn new things and improve in all areas of life;
  • be able to think critically about all they see, hear and experience so that they can be compassionately inquisitive, identify truth and understand the complexities of our world in a deep and meaningful way;
  • to recognise themselves as a global citizen who is part of a richly diverse world so that they can interact positively wherever they go, contributing positively to society and to the planet;

We link our vision with our understanding of this passage from John’s Gospel (9:1-7):

As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been born blind. His disciples asked him, “Teacher, whose sin caused him to be born blind? Was it his own or his parents' sin?”.

Jesus answered, “His blindness has nothing to do with his sins or his parents' sins. He is blind so that God's power might be seen at work in him. As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me; night is coming when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light for the world.”

After he said this, Jesus spat on the ground and made some mud with the spittle; he rubbed the mud on the man's eyes and told him, “Go and wash your face in the Pool of Siloam.” (This name means “Sent.”) So the man went, washed his face, and came back seeing. Taken from the Good News Translation (GNT)

As the light of the world, Jesus helps the blind to see, just as we want to open our eyes to the wider world by building knowledge and critical thought alongside kindness, compassion and mutual respect. Jesus also teaches us not to prejudge, recognising that we all come into the world as unique individuals who should be valued.

You can download a copy of our full vision statement by clicking here or by scrolling through the text and videos below to understand how our vision is implemented and how it underpins everything we do, including our curriculum.